Wednesday, April 29, 2009


today was class photo day~
had a real funny morning,wee thye got scolded by 2 teachers simultaneously ==
recess was da same,fan yong tried to "liao" our yong seng daikor's fo =(
we let him go anyways lol

after recess,lined up near the open deck,waiting for our turn for the photo taking :)
was damn hot!
then we found out we didn't get a chance to strike a free pose,which was sad

after photo session,guys(excluding me n few others) in the class played the follow me game
details are not important,but there was something damn cool~
kenneth lost and had to say I LOVE YOU to that weirdo stephanie XD
he did it in a super cool way lol,RESPECT to u kenneth!

though he did it,he is kinda speechless till now(c his msn pm)
what a great way to end the day ahahahahaahah.....
once again,KENNETH YOU THE MAN!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Blog Opener =D

can't c the words on my shirt cuz i used mirror xD

no idea wth to say right now cuz just started blogspot for fun ==
probably gonna just leave it empty for quite a long time be4 i blog again :D

today was fun,usual bansha and stuff~
solved one very diao de maths question with bear they all lol
weethye showed us some very special "poses" ;-)

basically the whole day was relaxing,
but havin tuition tonight n i haven done my homework =( wish me luck!

btw,just a question for every1 reading~
no offense to anyone xD
any comments about girls who flirt around and have no self-respect?
i think they're shit =(