Sunday, August 16, 2009

Futsal + Fun in Tmn U!

had futsal with the usual gang at city plaza again~

was fun but then i kept eating ice cream only :D
after finishing,yongen thye me n bin ken went to sit taxi and meet up with sek they all at leisure mall~thn i saw an indian dude selling PUTU MAYAM!so of course i bought it then ate it :D

after eating MEE HUN KUEY,
we went ks to play for awhile,but all i actually did was just play facebook haha
near evening we went to mcdonald's,and i ate ice cream again ==
by 8pm we sat sek's car and went to tmn u to eat steamboat!
there we met karsiang n awyong who joined us~

the food was good and they had special offer so it was kinda cheap~(hurray)!
after makan-ing we went to U MALL to watch G.I.JOE~
IT WAS FUCKING AWESOME!not to mention the freakin hot girls :D
it's definitely a must watch to u all =)

about 12.45 something midnight,we went to have mamak~(yea we ate again)
karsiang's first time eating maggie mee goreng hahaha
it was tata time after we finished eating,few of us went with sek to his house while binken+yongen stayed at karsiang's hse

by sleep time,it was basically joking time for me and junyi kekekekek
we talked about music,girls,interests and funny things
we also bullied pei er's DA TOU :D

next morning~
i woke up finding that my blankie was stolen by sek and zhen hui T.T
bloody cold luckily i stole some of junyi's hahahahahaha~
11am++ we all bathed and changed~
then,sek's mum treated us to bak kut teh~
after that we all went to BOON HWA primary school
there was this event to help the school raise fun,
it was my first time touching real weapons! hahaha
took quite a number of photos

about 3pm we headed to some shop near sek's house to MAKAN again!
hahaha been eating so much since we've been there ==
then went gaming again,where we won against sek's team wahhahaha...

6pm,it was bye bye for us and me,zh,es,junyi sat taxi to cs~
the trip was so long,the uncle kept talking bout certain sensitive issues i can't say XD

that was all!
now,for the other random pics

Sunday, August 9, 2009


ok so it was my bday,
woke up early in the morning,went to school for eca...
some kid behind me was damn noisy make me can't slp ~.~

cookery was ook although i smelled like butter whn i finished ==
reached home bout 12.30,
after bathing then went to have western cuisine with mum~yum :D

then i headed to city plaza with binken,elisha,yongen and vic
wanted to buy the putu mayam but then no small change so damn it hah
futsal was funny because wee thye injured his leg then lied on the floor so cute hahahahaha!
first time in my history of playing futsal i scored 2 goals! wahaha~
another first time in my life was bathing with a hose in the toilet =X

k so about 6 we went back to molek to eat hoho steamboat~
wasn't reli full however wanted to bring them mamak but then no time edi cuz sek wanted to go back earlier...
plus they secretly went to buy cake for me =)
then we went to yongen's house to cut the cake!
have to say it's actually been a superb long time since i've cut a cake heheh

me and kenneth :)

the cake,with a small part of banling's hand

fortunately,i didn't get thrown into the pool so yea thank you bros for not throwing me haha
so after eating cake we sang karaoke in the room~
yongen's mum even bought us kfc(thanks auntie)!

then after that,we went outside,tried out the manual kancil
kheng huat was the instructor of the day!amazingly the engine only died once hehehe
shortly after me,eesiong n kheng huat each drove our car to go for few rounds around the area,
yongseng in his motorcycle almost knocked into me! =(

about 12,ken's car finally came and i drove jm,bear n handsome junyi back to my home to sit taxi~
and so that was the night!

just wanna specially thank these people once again for celebrating my bday with me! love u all !
P.S tell me if i left out anyone =X

BROTHERS:sek,binken,karsiang,thye,eesiong,yongseng,elisha,vic,shyh haur,junyi,jianming,yongen,yongyeow,aiksing n not forgetting kenneth who sacrificed his undang test for me!

GIRLS:jomin,banling,florence,peier,zhen wei

random shots