Monday, June 29, 2009

3 days of mayhem =)

went to school in the morning as usual,
learnt to bake cake xD
was pretty lucky cuz didn't ponteng the class and get caught as a result...
few of them did however.
but then this wasn't reli important so yea,skip~

night,slightly cleaned my room as kenneth was coming to stay for the nite
he came around 8.30,went to play the computer straight away rofl
then after i bathed we called bin ken to mamak stall for late dinner,
felt bored so i drove them around molek for awhile...
went home to watch tv and took turns playing dota with kenneth haha
slept quite late around 3 o.0

woke up in the morning at 9++
the reason i woke up was i kena "sexually assaulted" by kenneth =S
as usual,went directly to the computer wahahaha
kinda confused that day,deciding whether to go tasek or cs to watch transformers,
in the end we went to cs because didn't wanna waste money on lousy sound systems at tasek ==

went cs 'round afternoon,bought tickets and went cs for tea-time
kar siang decided to join us too!he so brother sia...
great movie with superb sound and graphic effects~
but thn i went toilet like 2 times zz
karsiang drove us home so i could pack up n stay at his hse,
thn we headed to Tmn U for supper,
karsiang paid for most of the thing =)
shall pay for him when he comes nxt time aha...
stayed at his hse for that night~

29/6/09(monday,hari hol)

(at karsiang's hse,check out my phone's effect on the mirror )

woke up at 7,bathed n sat karsiang's car to fetch peiqie n kenneth...
was late because delayed everything wahhahahahha
reached larkin around 9,wasn't allowed to go in the stadium by some fuckin "caretaker" haix
so we went to yum cha instead....

(kenneth's saki hair!!)

NOON,paintball arena
15 of us gathered then play lo,
wee thye quite bro to specially come!!(happy ma thye i praise u)
kinda fun la but isn't reli great to get hurt =.=
used up my bullet damn fast cuz i went trigger happy xD
overall it was a gd experience
but thn some fucked up thing happened,
some "PEOPLE" somehow forgotten to tell me they were going to cs,
yea i noe i'm forgettable but then come on la have the courtesy to inform me la,
bloody pissed of that time..
oh well i went with ken and shyh haur to find sek n others...
went karaoke for awhile thn had dinner at old town,the fried chicken smaller n smaller wtf,
after tht i went home via taxi...
the driver looked pretty kns at first,talk like so fed up wit somethg
at last he actually damn kind he asked me for less =)
mayb cuz i looked so tired =P
that's my 3 day of madness+fun xD


  1. wow this few days u did so much thing woh--
    me just at home play pc only..swt
    hope to finish naruto before spm..
    about this time must start preparing for spm a..haha
    u stay karsiang house woh..hmm
    why kenneth no stay with him de?
    instead stay with sek o..
    lols i think im so supportive now le bah==
    wrote so long but its all crap..swt

  2. hahaz.
    Kenneth d hair so leng~~
    I set der ler.
    Paint ball today never kena~~ XP
    haha~~ So clean and happy^^

  3. thye:hahaha....u prepare for spm?nt "something else" mer =P i stay karsiang hse ma but thn sek wan ken go accompany them dota....not bad la u at least got the time to type so much XD

    ken:ur tat action nt sexual assault call wat o T.T of course is u rape me so i shout what haiz..
    paintball the fog too geng le la!!they shud put wiper inside there ahahahah


  4. hey.. jj brota.
    happy bday^^..
