Monday, October 26, 2009


been bloody long since i've updated~
so here it goes ;) hope i still have the touch ahah~


got back most of my papers,well i have to say i'm surprised for some subjects,
for the first time in my life i got 91 for maths so yea hahahah!!
but then it all keeps falling down baby...
some were just ridiculous man but overall i felt at least i've earned it with my own hardwork

SPM is what am i doing?apparently i'm still wasting most of my time browing the web and stuffs..trying to quit most of the stuffs by this week(wish me luck peeps)
seriously hope i can get at least 7As because i don wanna let my family and relatives down,TONS OF PRESSURE HOORAH!


hmm...been doing much at school lately,
tryin to do as much things as possible(breaking or not breaking rules)
so that i'm not gonna regret after i've graduated...
some ppl i can't bear to leave,how i wish i could just pull them with me :X
teachers,frens...what have i done to make them rmb me?or shud i make them forget me?
got no idea man~but hope that most of us will still be in contact after this...

someone quotes "frens are forever while puppy lovers are only momentarily"
will that be true?lets hope all's well ends well~

i quote "separated we may be,hearts and soul we'll be connected" hehe~
hope it sounds logical though!

heard from so many ppl that they wanna get the hell out of the school,but trust me,
once u're gonna graduate,u'll start reminiscing bout how u entered the school and how u met all ur best frens :(


music is definitely one of the factors that just keeps me going on,
music brings [E]veryone from [E]verywhere together and just let their feelings out...
been listening to Epik High alot lately,i may not understand korean but some of their songs i do reli feel what they might be trying to express,and that's y i've been so supportive of their music~

DJ Tukutz's gonna be servicing in the army for about 2 years,not gonna be a new album from them for another 2 years i guess? :(

English songs have been becoming much more meaningless to me,the songs they have are just too commercialized,too boring

[E]verything we have(parents,relatives,frens,pets,materialistic items) we shall be grateful,for it is given by the Almighty...

[E]motions,are something that can be expressed through songs,music,words...
i always do listen to songs that are in tune with my mood at the time..

[E]xpressions,i've been trying to conjure up images of happiness on my face,but is it reli what i'm feeling?i don't noe,i don't care,i just wanna spend the last of my school life with my frens and let there be a happy memory,nothing more~

[E]mpty...sometimes we want alot of things,but what do we want it for?to show off?to fulfill our desire?that's just fucked up man...
greed is like a devil,the more u want something,the more empty u get even if u obtain what u want...


for everyone out there,just be who u want to be ;)


  1. agreee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. your quote sounds very true and logic though. don't stress too much. just relax and do whatever you can. at least you have tried your very best. seriously, enjoy in school while you can or else you'll regret!

  3. alan!!!!!
    ur comments always does the trick de hahaha~
    yeala!last year noe u guys too late,
    so little time to kacau and play wit u guys haix =(
    hope one day can gather with u all again ahah
    (then i'll be the youngest :P)

  4. yea u r right ~ +u for the spm
    and stay contact after that ^^

  5. ya. i think batch is the craziest batch in omega history :D if you had known us earlier, you can do lots of crazy stuff though. haha. don't worry, if we got gathering, i'll call you XD

  6. aw~thx haha of course muz stay contact!

    alan~yeala my f4 half year wasted didn't noe u guys oni noe ah lai hahahahah :D
    thx make sure u call me! will try to make it ;)
